Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Scarlet and Gray Trunk Show

I spent this past Sunday afternoon with Joyce Ely from Jellen's House of Fabric in Lyndhurst, Ohio.  When I met Joyce last year we discovered that we were both Buckeyes!  Which means that we graduated from The Ohio State University and we Bleed Scarlet and Gray!!!

She had asked me if I would be willing to share with her customer's some of my Scarlet and Gray quilts.  I said sure, it would force me to get them quilted and bound by the beginning of October.  I was able to deliver 6 quilts, 3 wallhangings and 2 tote bags.  With the help of my quilter Jennifer McCann and my friend Leita Shahan who helped me complete the bindings.

Joyce and her assistants did a great job setting up the displays and hanging the quilts.

She has some great scarlet and gray fabric if you want to make your own quilt.

If you stop to visit Joyce you need to check out the Script Ohio quilt that Mary Coffey made!

The quilts will be on display until October 15th.


Anonymous said...

The quilts look great displayed together!

Judy B

Unknown said...

Stunning! Really really beautiful!

SewCalGal said...

What a beautiful trunk show. Love it. Just wish I could visit this store and see the show up close.


njc said...

Great work... beautiful... like I said before,.... you need to go into business!

Anonymous said...

These are wonderful! I love two color quilts and these look so amazing all hanging together!